Greg Clark
Senior Minister
While Greg serves as our preaching minister, he is absolutely convicted that God is providing amazing opportunities for His people to join His work outside the Sylvan Hills building. He regularly interacts with elected officials, community leaders, and the unchurched from all walks of life in order to be a positive influence for Christ. He states, “The mission of disciples is to love God and love others by bringing Christ to our community. Every disciple must reject self-centered Christian consumerism and take on the posture of a missionary if the church is to thrive in a post-Christian society.”
Greg and his wife, Carol, have raised four children and are blessed with five grandchildren, a “grandkid in Christ,” and three godchildren in Uruguay. Greg’s favorite hobbies include learning Spanish and fostering dogs for rescue groups. Carol is a pre-k teacher in Jacksonville North Pulaski Public Schools. They have been married 41 years.
Greg and his wife, Carol, have raised four children and are blessed with five grandchildren, a “grandkid in Christ,” and three godchildren in Uruguay. Greg’s favorite hobbies include learning Spanish and fostering dogs for rescue groups. Carol is a pre-k teacher in Jacksonville North Pulaski Public Schools. They have been married 41 years.
Children’s Ministry
“Let the children come to me and don’t hinder them for the Kingdom of Heaven belongs to such as these.” -Jesus

Melanie Simpson
Children’s Ministry Nursery through 3 year olds
Melanie Simpson and her husband, Jordan, have been attending Sylvan Hills since 2014. In addition to being a stay-at-home-mom for her two kids, she runs her own photography business and loves working with children. Melanie has a degree in music education and enjoys using her talents to encourage the family of God.

Jenni Balcom
Children’s Worship Coordinator
Jenni Balcom has been a member at Sylvan Hills since 2017 and has been involved with the children’s ministry in various capacities since then. She loves working with children as a Middle and High School Spanish teacher, and is nurturing her skills by completing a Masters of Science in Education. Jenni and her husband Jared love being foster parents- currently to an amazing, boisterous kindergartener!
Support Staff

Wayne Welford
Facilities Support
Wayne and his wife, Dianne, have been married since September of 1974. They have one son and have been members at Sylvan Hills since July 1989. He is retired from the Air Force and also worked for Union Pacific for 4 years before coming to work at Sylvan Hills in 1999.
Desiree Koettel
Desiree is a welcoming face here at the office. She is assisting Billy in the day to day functioning of the office, can help you get in contact with the right people, is helpful with most things, and if she can’t help you she will find the person who can. She is a friendly face and a great person to talk with at the front. Desiree is the daughter of Billy and Dawn Byrd and has been attending Sylvan Hills with her family for over 15 years. She is currently pursuing her Masters at Harding University in Clinical Mental Health Counseling.

Billy Byrd
Office & Operations Manager
Billy has served our congregation on staff through the office since 2013 as a Swiss army knife, able to do most anything on campus. While working “the list,” Billy assists the leadership here to keep the Sylvan Hills Family connected. Billy also coordinates the facilities calendar and works with Wayne to ensure the facilities are maintained. Billy and his wife Dawn are the parents of three stellar children. Desiree, Jade, and Spencer are the joy of their house. Billy has been employed as a truck driver, security officer, ambulatory technician, sound technician, roadie, forklift operator, and lifeguard among other gigs. A consummate reader, Billy does not know everything about any one thing, but likely knows at least one thing about most everything.