Our Vision of Sylvan Hills

To be a disciple making community that helps people follow Jesus, be changed by Jesus and join the mission of Jesus.

Our Vision Reflects:

1) An expectation of spiritual development that challenges our faith.

Everything we do is for the purpose of growing as a disciple. From cradle to college, adult ministries, small groups, service opportunities, evangelism and worship – all of it contributes to challenging and growing our faith. 

2) A desire for all generations to interact in a manner that presses forward together into maturity.

While each generation has different characteristics, it is important in the body of Christ to move toward maturity in Christ together. We believe God works through multiple generations to make important and unique contributions to the mission and spiritual health of the local church. 

3) A conviction that all people are created in the image of God.

We believe humanity holds a special place in God’s heart. All social and political issues should be viewed first and foremost through the lens of God’s love for mankind. We approach issues of race, human trafficking, poverty, foster care / adoption, immigration, and abortion with a conviction that all souls matter to God. 

4) A commitment to equipping followers of Christ to share their story and to serve the community as the presence of Christ.

We serve a God who sent His Son, who sent the Holy Spirit. As Christians we are all missionaries sent to accomplish God’s purposes. Our mission as disciples is to make disciples. Found people, find people. 

5) A mutual expectation of involvement and engagement in the life of our church family.

We believe faithfulness to God involves more than church attendance. In order to be a thriving part of the body of Christ each disciple should actively develop and utilize their giftedness for God’s glory.