“Pursuing Understanding Through Dialogue”

On Wednesday night, October 18, 2017, the Rose City Community Church of Christ and the Sylvan Hills Church of Christ came together for an evening of dialogue on the current status of race relations in our nation. Dr. Thomas Jackson and Greg Clark presented various perspectives on relevant issues and then addressed questions submitted by those who were in attendance. The evening concluded with both churches kneeling together in prayer asking for God to give His people the courage to lead the way in racial reconciliation.

“A Conversation with Our Neighbors”

We’ve shared this intersection in Sherwood with Sylvan Hills First Baptist Church, but do we know our neighbors? Even with our doctrinal disagreements, are there not issues in today’s culture in which we need to stand together? We explored this question in “A Conversation with Our Neighbors” together in the Family Life Center on September 2, 2015.